Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Asian Highway through Thailand

I was baffled for a while with these blue road signs A1, AH1 & AH2 while touring Thailand on road. I have seen AH1 signs in the east towards Poiphet over the Cambodian border. Around Petchaburi & Ratchaburi is the AH2. While the signs of AH1 & AH2 come together in the northern provinces.

Finally a friend told me it means the Asian Highway. Ah.. from there on it is easy to find out more. Map from Wikipedia.

It all make sense now!

AH1 starts all the way from Japan, through China, Vietnam, Cambodia to Thailand and turn north west towards India through Myanmar.

AH2 starts from Java, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and merges with AH1 in northern Thailand towards Myanmar, north east India and onwards to Central Asia.

So for those who enjoys motoring tours, its completeion is something to look forward to. The sections within Thailand are completed.

I am looking forward to the completion of the section to Seam Reap to visit Angkor Wat. I was told that a small section is yet to complete.